Thursday, November 13, 2008

Rainy Thursday

So, I started typing this last week with the intention of adding pictures that day, and well that never happened, but I'm posting anyways! :)


It's rainy outside and I really don't want to be at work! I think it'd be a great day to be in front of a fire with a good book instead of stuck in an office with 4 walls and no windows. So, I decided to update my blog instead! :)

These past few weeks have been sooo busy! One of my best friends got married this past weekend (Congrats Ashley!!). So, we had the bachelorette party 2 weekends ago and the bridesmaid/honor attendant (me) luncheon and the rehearsal dinner Friday night and the Wedding Saturday at 3. It was really sweet and the reception was a ton of fun! I've got a video up of some friends doing karaoke to Ice Ice Baby at the reception on facebook. It's hilarious! We had a great time Saturday and couldn't be happier for the newlyweds! I'll post a few pictures from Saturday soon.

My sister in law is getting closer to her due date! I can't wait to see baby Sarah Kate! I'm just hoping and praying that I'll be here for her birth. I leave to go to Arkansas with Brad for Thanksgiving on November 25 and Melissa's due date is that week. I really don't want to miss the birth of my precious neice.

We'll be in Arkansas with Brad's family from Tuesday night thru Sunday. I'm really looking forward to the trip and getting to meet the rest of his family. I met his mom about a month and a half ago. It's going to be a fun trip - hanging out at the farm and river, hunting (duck and deer), duck calling contest. Yep, I'm turning into a country girl! AHH how'd that happen?!? haha!

Hope you all have a great day! I better get some work done around here. "Navel White" doesn't pay me the big bucks to do nothing! haha!