Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The results are really in!

I called the doctor around 1:00 today and they said that the biopsies came back as low grade! I am so relieved :) They're going to do an acid treatment (which won't hurt at all) next Tuesday and then everything should be fine. Thanks for all the prayers!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Test results...kinda

Well, I had my colposcopy yesterday and believe it or not, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I won't go into detail but the doctor did find two suspicious spots on my cervix and took biopsies (he numbed the area first, so i didn't even feel it! I'm so thankful for that!) He said that the results should be back by next Tuesday. So, now it's just a waiting game. I asked him before hand what the lesions could be and he said "oh, precancerous" like it was no big deal. I don't even want to hear that word! So, depending on the grade (low or high grade) of the lesions determines the treatment options. If it's low grade, he'll treat it with an acid but if it's high grade, he'll do this procedure called a LEEP where basically they just use this laser and remove the part of your cervix that has the lesions. And from what I read, the cells regenerate and grow back and shouldn't cause any complications or infertility in the future. So, I feel much better about everything, just very anxious and apprehensive to get the results back. I just want to put this all behind me and move on. I'm not in any pain from it now and haven't been, so that's a definite praise! I'm so thankful that God is in control and I don't have to worry about all this. I'm starting to get a bit of peace about it but it's still a little nerve racking just to wait...

Saturday, September 6, 2008



Congrats to GSU for their first win this season!

GSU - 34 vs. Austin Peay - 20

I'm so ready to go to a game!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What's going on??

I finally got my results back from my last pap smear today. About 2 weeks ago I had to have a follow up pap because it was abnormal 6 months ago. Well, it came back abnormal again. The nurse said that they found atypical cells and lesions on my cervix. They want to do a colposcopy next week. I've never had this done, so I'm a bit anxious about it. Here's a website I found that tells more about it if you're interested in knowing more about the procedure. Maybe it is, and maybe it's not related to my endometriosis, but geez! I thought everything was fine! I just have to keep reminding myself that God is in control and he is sovereign over this, whatever the outcome is. Just please pray that it's not anything and is only atypical cells - not precancerous. If anyone else has had this procedure, please give me a heads up as to what to expect and why they're doing it. If it was just atypical cells, I don't think they'd do another procedure til my next pap smear like they did this time. I'm a bit freaked out by it all today...