Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Random Thoughts

* I am so thankful that no one was hurt in the earthquake in California today! I freaked just a bit when I heard where it was, which was 5 minutes from Bill's work, but he's ok and no one was hurt! Thank you Jesus!! :)

*I've finished reading "Bad Girls of the Bible" and I've narrowed down my next reading to 2 books - "One thing" by Sam Storms or "Living the Cross Centered Life" by C.J. Mahoney. I actually found these on my own and was glad to hear that others had read these and got good reviews of them. I'm excited to start reading one!

* I went to the waterpark in Statesboro Friday and was faced with the unexpected. My ex of 3 and a half years was there. I'm not sure if he saw me, but I was definitely surprised to see him! It made for a bit of an uncomfortable day, but it was definite reassurance that I had made the right decision.

* I need to face a few things in my life: 1. calling my dad; 2. emailing a friend back that I have been angry with for a few years who emailed me this weekend; 3. releasing anger with another friend for not communicating with me about an issue. I can' do this alone, but I know that God's grace gives me the strength to overcome these issues. So I'm relying on Christ and not myself!

* I'm going on vacation next week (Monday night through Saturday - we just can't handle missing church!!) I've still got a good bit of work left to finish, so I hope it will all get done so I won't worry about it next week. I'm so thankful for wonderful coworkers who will help out so others can take a break!! Thanks guys! :)

* Update on the house: it's still on the market! I need a side job to bring in about $100 extra a week so I will be comfortable in my finances. Until that happens, I don't feel ready to move forward on this house. I pray that God provides if it's meant to be.

* I got my camera to finally work! After I went on vacation last year on the houseboat in Utah, my camera stopped working. I think when I plugged it into the outlet on the boat, it messed up the internal charger part of my camera. So, I bought a battery charger (where you actually have to take the battery out and put it in the charger) and it works! Now, I just have to find my USB cord...but in the are some pics of Caleb that mom took a week or so ago. I love my nephew!! :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I need some suggestions for reading material on vacation! Help me out guys :)

Saturday, July 12, 2008

House info

So, I can't figure out how this slideshow stuff works case you're wondering about the pics below...I got prequalified for a mortgage loan yesterday! This is the house I'm looking at.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Places I want to visit one day

1. French Polynesian Islands (Bora Bora)

2. England (Whitehall Palace)

3. Hawaii

4. Italy (Venice) - on a Gondola, of course!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


As I was reading my book tonight, I got to thinking back on Sunday's sermon. Ok, back up...I'm reading about Rahab the prostitute and how she trusted in God to save her. the spies came back into the city after Joshua and his posse destroyed the city and brought her and her family to safety, just as promised. Well it referenced a verse in James (I'd tell you which one, but I'm too lazy right now to go in the bathroom and get my book...yeah TMI prob! lol) that said, "wasn't
Rahab the prostitute declared righteous too after what she did" (carley summary...). So, why after all these years, and being brought into the lineage of David, still referred to as a prostitute? Can't she just drop the title and just be Rahab?
So, back to the sermon...Keith said that the gospel isn't exclusive. and I recalled hearing something about not referring to someone as, "so and so the drunk," "so and so the child molestor," "so and so the crack addict," because in all actuality...we're all just as bad as the worst person you can think of and all in need of a savior. So, are labels neccessary, and if not - why was Rahab still called "the prostitute" in the New testament. The author says that it's to remind us of her past and how she's rose above it. It's not intended to glorify the sin, but to glorify God's grace.
So, I'm in full agreeance that the gospel is not exclusive - but are labels neccessary? If not, how do you look past them?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


It's so great meeting and hanging out with new folks! So, in case you were wondering who the cool kids at new city are - Heath Clark and Jason and Kimberly Clements! :) you guys rock!! I'm so glad ya'll are a part of New City and I'm getting the chance to know you guys. btw- I know how many points a touchdown was in 1911 - answer: 5 hehe

Guys, don't read this!!

Random note for the day -
Cramps SUCK!!!

night! :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

letting down my guard

My randomness just very well may come out in this post...

I've realized that I've put a wall up and am afraid of letting people in. In order to get to know others and connect as a family of believers, I've got to be willing to knock down the wall and let others in if I expect for them to do the same for me. How else am I going to be able to make an investment in a non-believers life if I don't let them in on mine somewhat. So here's goes nothing....

My parents divorced when I was 3. My mom remarried my stepdad when I was 7. I have a brother, Brooks, who's 2 years old than me. When my parents divorced, we moved in with my grandparents who helped raise us and shape us to be who we are today. When my mom remarried, we moved into my great granddad's old farm house. We moved from there when I was 13 into the house we're in now. Less than 6 months after we moved in, on New Year's Eve, the house caught on fire and we lost all of our belongings. While we were rebuilding the house, my brother's friend Michael asked if he could live with us. We gained legal custody of him and we now consider him our brother. The summer before the house burned, I accepted Christ as my savior on a youth camp in Alabama. Brooks was there with me and prayed with me and I think it changed our relationship forever. I went to college at Georgia Southern University and majored in Child and Family Development. Surprisingly, I only spent 4 years in college! I am now an administrative assistant at Mabel White Baptist Church and have been there for 2 years. I hope to use my degree one day, but this job is a good fit for now.

Random tidbits...
I have a very hard time getting my words out and getting my point across
I absolutely hate cold weather, unless I'm inside by the fire or snow skiing
I love taking long baths at night and reading a book
I'm naturally a brunette
Honesty is a forte of mine
Chick flicks make me happy
I love alone time and enjoy my space
I live for the nights and dread the mornings
I can't wait to be a mom (but I will!) - I love kids!
My new addiction is the Tudor family history
The first thing I notice about someone is their smile
I was born to live on the beach, but the sun scares me now!
Pilates is much better than yoga, and I wish I had more space to practice more often.
I love camping, hiking, Georgia Southern Football, bowling, movies, music and my daytimer :)

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Side note

God has a bit of a sense of humor and answers prayers really fast sometimes!! Last night I prayed that he'd step me out of my comfort zone... he kinda pushed me into a situation that I normally wouldn't have been in. Me and another girl in the church ended up walking an elderly homeless lady down the road and through an alley to get some lunch. Almost as soon as Keith left us with her (with only a block or so to go) she starts crying hysterically and then cusses every guy out that we pass. yeah, talk about getting out of my comfort zone! Thanks God for keeping us safe, and having a bit of wit! ;)

Freedom in the gospel!!

Today's sermon really hit home today. The gospel is not exclusive. That seems like such a duh point to me when I just say it, but as Keith started explaining it today and giving the examples he did, it pulled at my heartstrings a bit. God doesn't say that the gospel is only for people who do this...or what we tend to think in our culture...people who don't do certain things. yes, the gospel IS for alcoholics. yeah...

So, how do I, as a daughter of an alcoholic, show the gospel to my dad? I don't think it's a matter of pointing out his faults and telling him how sorry he is and how he wasn't there for me. I've got to deal with all that on my own with God. I can't go to him with anger and bitterness. I just have to love him, despite his failures, just as God loves us. I just have to live out the gospel in my life and hope and pray that it resonates so much that my dad can come back to Christ.

So how do I live out the gospel? well the third point mentioned today that I think helps with that is Dress modestly. Ok, so I'm not amish and I don't dress like a harlot - but there have been times, yes I admit, that I've dressed in a way that would make guys take more notice in me than usual. I never want to be a stumbling block to my brothers in Christ and I want to have more respect in myself to not dress in a manner that is not uplifting. The only thing I should be showing off is my godliness!

I skipped the second point on purpose. Not because I didn't think it applied to me, but because it's so ironic and a bit funny how God works in your life. Last night I was reading my book, Bad Girls of the Bible, and it was about Ananias and Sapphira. I had never heard this story before actually so it was quite interesting to read. The jist of the story (my version) is that one guy had sold his property and given all the prophets to the church. Ananias wanted to show him up so he sold his property too, but instead of giving everything to the church, he and his wife agreed to keep a portion of it back for themselves. He lied about the price and God struck him dead. The God struck his wife dead too for lying about the price. God wasn't mad because they didnt give all the money to the church, but because they lied about it and had wrong intentions. So many times in the church, people give with the wrong motives - to get a plaque on the wall, because my family has a reputation to withhold in the church, so people know I have money...the list goes on and on. And for this reason, NOT THE GOSPEL the church begins to quarrel and fight,which is the second point of the sermon today. The church hardly ever ever ever fights over the gospel but because of stupid, petty things in the church. One group doesn't like the literature we're teaching in Sunday School, someone said so and so and someone else... it's so ridiculous, but unfortunately it goes on in many many churches today. If we just teach the gospel and teach about God's love and forget about all the petty stuff, the quarelling won't happen. And when it does happen, (because we are human, and slip up sometimes) we should fight like family. Agree to disagree and still love each other when it's all over.

Today's message was very freeing for me. I'm so grateful to be a part of a family of believers that strives to teach the gospel and see it transform everyone in our reach!