Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A piece of my heart is missing

Twin Drakes Southern "Cedar"
March 11, 2009 - July 6, 2009

My heart is so heavy right now. Monday night, our precious 16-week old puppy, Cedar passed away. I am still not real sure what happened. Friday night she started gagging real bad and then had an upset stomach. We just thought she had stomach bug - nothing major. She was sick all day Saturday and Sunday but still ran around the yard and played like she didn't feel real bad. She wouldn't eat anything, but she hasn't been eating much over the past month or so (they say puppy's go through that stage). We tried to call 2 vets over the weekend, but never got an answer so we just figured that since she's due for her last set of shots on Monday, we'll just let our regular vet take a look at her. I think we waited too long though. Sunday night and into Monday morning, she began throwing up - around 8 times... When he took her to the vet Monday morning, she was pitiful. They kept her to run tests but the doctor kept saying that he thought she had food poisoning. We watch EVERYTHING she eats, so I really don't think it was something she ate. She had all of her vaccines, but she had all the symptoms of Parvo. The vet said she didn't act like it was Parvo so he didn't test her for it. He kept her in a kennel in another building outside the vet's office and "checked" on her throughout the night. He said she passed too much blood throughout the night and didn't make it.

I am so angry at the vet. I really think they just let her die. They said she was in critical condition! I would've kept her at my bedside if I were watching someone else's pet that's in critical condition. I just don't understand. We miss her so much. If feels like someone reached in and pulled out part of our heart. She was our baby. It's the closest thing Brad and I know about losing a loved one. She really was a part of our family. I can't imagine how much more it hurts when someone loses their child, their own flesh and blood. I have so many questions I want answered by the vet and by God - but I know it won't make it any easier. I just want her back. This is one of the hardest things I've gone through. I'm reminded of James 1:2 - "Consider it pure joy when you are faced with trials of many kinds, for the testing of your faith creates perseverance." I know God is testing our faith and puts us through trials to bring us closer to Him. It's hard, but I know He's in control. I just want my sweet baby girl back! It wasn't supposed to be like this. It hurts so bad! I just want God to fill this void in our hearts.
* The picture taken above was on July 2 - the last picture we have of her.