Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What a fighter!

I saw Sarah Kate for the first time tonight since she's been in the hospital. I don't think I was quite prepared to see her. How could someone who was so perfect in our eyes just a week ago be sedated in a hospital and hooked up to all these machines? It's hard to grasp, it really is. Unfortunately, Sarah Kate (like all of us) were born into a sinful world and was born with a sinful nature. Because of this, we are not perfect and are still susceptible to sickness and disease. I just wish I could breathe for her, or fight off this infection. I just want to do something to make her healthy again. We got a good report today from the doctors. She was taken off the oscilator and is now on a ventilator (in the picture). She's completely off the blood pressure medicine, all of her stats are good, and she's only depending on 40% oxygen. God is still in the business of miracles and I don't doubt that he's working one in our midst. She's still got not completely out of the woods yet, as the doctors still say she's in critical condition, but she's making steps to healing every day. All the praise goes to our Father!


Jennifer said...

I have been praying for her and for all of her family! We have been there where you just have to place your kids in God's hands and trust in Him alone.

Jason & Kimberly said...

Thanks for the update!

Jennifer Walker said...

Thanks for updating this. I'm praying too. Let me know if I can do anything for them. See you tomorrow.