Sunday, July 6, 2008

Freedom in the gospel!!

Today's sermon really hit home today. The gospel is not exclusive. That seems like such a duh point to me when I just say it, but as Keith started explaining it today and giving the examples he did, it pulled at my heartstrings a bit. God doesn't say that the gospel is only for people who do this...or what we tend to think in our culture...people who don't do certain things. yes, the gospel IS for alcoholics. yeah...

So, how do I, as a daughter of an alcoholic, show the gospel to my dad? I don't think it's a matter of pointing out his faults and telling him how sorry he is and how he wasn't there for me. I've got to deal with all that on my own with God. I can't go to him with anger and bitterness. I just have to love him, despite his failures, just as God loves us. I just have to live out the gospel in my life and hope and pray that it resonates so much that my dad can come back to Christ.

So how do I live out the gospel? well the third point mentioned today that I think helps with that is Dress modestly. Ok, so I'm not amish and I don't dress like a harlot - but there have been times, yes I admit, that I've dressed in a way that would make guys take more notice in me than usual. I never want to be a stumbling block to my brothers in Christ and I want to have more respect in myself to not dress in a manner that is not uplifting. The only thing I should be showing off is my godliness!

I skipped the second point on purpose. Not because I didn't think it applied to me, but because it's so ironic and a bit funny how God works in your life. Last night I was reading my book, Bad Girls of the Bible, and it was about Ananias and Sapphira. I had never heard this story before actually so it was quite interesting to read. The jist of the story (my version) is that one guy had sold his property and given all the prophets to the church. Ananias wanted to show him up so he sold his property too, but instead of giving everything to the church, he and his wife agreed to keep a portion of it back for themselves. He lied about the price and God struck him dead. The God struck his wife dead too for lying about the price. God wasn't mad because they didnt give all the money to the church, but because they lied about it and had wrong intentions. So many times in the church, people give with the wrong motives - to get a plaque on the wall, because my family has a reputation to withhold in the church, so people know I have money...the list goes on and on. And for this reason, NOT THE GOSPEL the church begins to quarrel and fight,which is the second point of the sermon today. The church hardly ever ever ever fights over the gospel but because of stupid, petty things in the church. One group doesn't like the literature we're teaching in Sunday School, someone said so and so and someone else... it's so ridiculous, but unfortunately it goes on in many many churches today. If we just teach the gospel and teach about God's love and forget about all the petty stuff, the quarelling won't happen. And when it does happen, (because we are human, and slip up sometimes) we should fight like family. Agree to disagree and still love each other when it's all over.

Today's message was very freeing for me. I'm so grateful to be a part of a family of believers that strives to teach the gospel and see it transform everyone in our reach!