Sunday, July 6, 2008

Side note

God has a bit of a sense of humor and answers prayers really fast sometimes!! Last night I prayed that he'd step me out of my comfort zone... he kinda pushed me into a situation that I normally wouldn't have been in. Me and another girl in the church ended up walking an elderly homeless lady down the road and through an alley to get some lunch. Almost as soon as Keith left us with her (with only a block or so to go) she starts crying hysterically and then cusses every guy out that we pass. yeah, talk about getting out of my comfort zone! Thanks God for keeping us safe, and having a bit of wit! ;)


Amy said...

Last night Keith and I talked about how he preached on the gospel not being exclusive and then seeing you and Kimberly live it out! How exciting!
I am excited that you can take this message from the Word and apply it to your life, through this woman, through your Dad and to you personally. That is very encouraging and exciting!

Jennifer Walker said...

Hey girl, I haven't been on your new blog, I love it! Praying for ya...I haven't read all your posts, but I know it's not easy on you with all I have read so far.

Thanks for your prayers for Emily. She's not got an infection we don't think...I'll write more later and would love to hear your story of when you were little.

Heath said...

so you did find me...challenge on!